A wide range of materials handling machinery designed to transport several different containers is needed in warehousing environments. A number of these alternatives are commercially available. Here are examples to help you decide which option is better for your business. Modern Solutions for Container Handling can be benefitted by most business services.
Mini-Straddle Carrier
This Container Lifting Machine is commonly used during warehousing or chain of distribution situations when a capacity of 10 to 200 boxes per week is needed. Maneuvrability, the low axle load, increased productivity, and more excellent reliability benefit the mini-straddle carrier. You can separate transportation from the operation with the airlines and then decide when and where to unload or pack the containers.
Forklift for Container Handling
This container carrier enables you to pile multiple containers and will suffice if you plan on keeping containers for an extended period.
This machine is ideal for block stacking containers in places where container space is limited. However, when multiple containers must be transported, this process might be time-consuming. To get to the one you would like to move, you might have to shift several containers.
A container forklift is ideal for a “first-in, last out” procedure. A 40-foot box, on the other hand, requires a large mobility area. This required for a container to be carried width-wise.
Moreover, a forklift that carries empty boxes can pile up to eight containers high. A solid and flat surface is necessary to prevent the forklift from turning over. Container handlers that handle loaded containers are extremely heavy and expensive to maintain. Because of the machine’s larger engine, this is the situation.
For high container rotation, this kind of container carrier is perfect.
Reach Stacker
A reach stacker is ideal if your facility needs to transport large volumes of containers and pile them three high or maybe more. A telescopic arm on reach stackers can lift 15 tonnes to the third level. They also can raise a 31-ton weight to a higher level. As a consequence, three levels of boxes can be piled and recovered. A container forklift is less versatile than a reach stacker. However, it requires a big mobility area. Moreover, it has a greater load capacity relative to a container forklift.
Many facilities utilize rubber or rail-mounted container crane to stack containers in rows. However, container cranes are an excellent option for a high-turnover operation. They are also more pricey than reach stackers. It is better to rely on a reach stacker for a budgeted warehouse.
Side Loader
This approach is both accessible and comfortable. With a side loader and a truck, you may carry containers anywhere through the roadway. When loading and unloading, it works without the aid of other machinery. As a result, a separate container handler isn’t required. A side loader is ideal if you send or receive fewer than four containers a week.
The only problem with this type of container carrier is that it restricts the container’s weight due to the crane’s weight. Moreover, once a container is placed in a yard, it is stationary.
If your site is a considerable distance from the port, the additional charges of a side loader container transport will add up quickly.