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Can you whiten teeth with crowns or fillings?

The customer service of a dentist often receives the following questions: “Can I whiten my teeth with a crown or filling? Can I whiten my teeth with a bridge?” Before you start whitening your teeth, it is always good to collect as much information as possible. Can you whiten your teeth yourself, or must the dentist do it? In this blog, we explain everything about how you can whiten teeth with crowns, fillings or bridges.

Bleach crowns

Many people have crowns. A crown is a kind of “fake tooth.” The crown does not match your real teeth. In addition, a crown does not have the same composition as a natural tooth. For example, you can choose different types of crowns at the dentist. The dentist often chooses a crown with the same color as your own teeth.

Can I bleach my crown?

Although you can whiten your teeth with a crown, the crown does not color. On the other hand, it is not harmful to your teeth. The quality of the crown will not decrease if you whiten your teeth with a crown. On the other hand, you cannot whiten the crown with your other teeth. A crown is dead material and has a fixed color. You need a living tooth to achieve a real whitening effect with whitening gel. So if you want to whiten your teeth with a crown, it is better to keep a different order. It is better to whiten your teeth first and then have the crown placed. For example, the dentist can make the crown the same color as your whitened teeth. This makes the crown better match your white smile.

Teeth whitening with fillings

Many customers wonder if you can whiten their teeth with a white tooth filling. If you have a cavity at the dentist, you can get a white cavity filling. In addition, your front teeth can be rebuilt after a fracture and discolorations of teeth and molars can be restored. The material of the fillings is amalgam. Amalgam (silver-colored) is a material that has been used for centuries as a filler in teeth. Amalgam fillings are very durable and are used to fill cavities in the molars.

In addition, many people have white fillings. Some people have silver or gold fillings. If you have a white filling, it will be less noticeable in the mouth. Many people have had a cavity and a filling in the mouth. Can you whiten your teeth with a filling?

Can you whiten your teeth with a filling?

If you have just had a filling (less than 2 weeks), it is not wise to whiten your teeth. A silver or gold filling will not color along with the rest of your teeth. If you have a white filling, it will be less noticeable that you are whitening your teeth. In addition, the filling will discolor over the years, just like your teeth do.

If you have had a filling for a long time (more than two weeks), you can whiten your teeth with a filling. However, pay close attention to the color of your teeth and the filling. We have included a handy shade guide with all our teeth-whitening sets. This allows you to keep track of the color of your teeth.


If you suffer from a hole in the mouth, it is best not to whiten your teeth. Instead, go to the dentist with a hole in the teeth or molars. It can be very painful and sensitive to whiten your teeth with a hole in the mouth.

Whitening teeth with a bridge

If your teeth are damaged, the dentist can opt for a bridge. In the case of one or more missing teeth and/or molars, the dentist can opt for a bridge. A bridge is joined to at least two piers. These teeth or molars have been ground down on both sides of where the missing tooth or molar used to be. The bridge consists of two or more crowns that fit on the piers and an intermediate part. This intermediate part consists of one or more artificial teeth and/or molars. The bridge, therefore, consists, as it were, of a metal plate with an artificial tooth and two or more crowns on it. The crowns go over the remaining teeth, and the artificial tooth is placed in the place of the open space. Finally, you cannot remove a bridge yourself. It is put on the teeth with special dental cement.

Can you whiten teeth with a bridge?

Whitening teeth with a dental bridge is not possible due to the materials used in dental bridges and their lack of enamel. A dental bridge is a removable prosthetic tooth replacement that anchors to either remaining teeth or dental implants to create a complete smile. It is typically made of porcelain, metal alloys, or a combination of both, which are resistant to discoloration and staining. Unlike natural teeth, dental bridges do not have enamel, the outer protective layer that can be whitened. Therefore, attempting to whiten a dental bridge with over-the-counter or professional teeth whitening products would not yield any noticeable results.

Why Dental Bridges Cannot Be Whitened:

  • Dental bridges are made from materials that are resistant to discoloration and staining, such as porcelain or metal alloys.
  • Dental bridges do not have enamel, the outer protective layer that can be whitened.
  • Traditional teeth whitening methods, including over-the-counter or professional products, do not produce noticeable results on dental bridges.

Considerations for Mismatched Color:

  • Dental bridges are typically designed to match the color of the surrounding teeth when initially created.
  • Natural teeth may darken or stain over time, potentially resulting in a mismatch in color between the dental bridge and adjacent teeth.
  • Consulting with a dentist is recommended for options to address mismatched color, such as replacing the bridge or using veneers or crowns.

Importance of Professional Dental Advice:

Following professional dental advice is crucial to avoid using unapproved methods or products that can damage the dental bridge and compromise its function.

Dentists can provide personalized recommendations for achieving the desired aesthetic result while preserving the integrity of the dental bridge.

In conclusion, dental bridges cannot be effectively whitened due to their materials and lack of enamel. Suppose you have concerns about the color of your dental bridge. In that case, it’s best to consult with your dentist for appropriate options to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome while maintaining the functionality of the bridge.

Conclusion: Teeth whitening with a crown, filling or bridge

It’s okay to whiten your teeth while you have a crown, filling, or bridge. However, a slight color difference may be visible if you have whitened your teeth more often. It is best to go to the dentist and indicate that there is a color difference. The dentist can then color your teeth. This gives your teeth the right shade of your whiter teeth. This way, the fake teeth can also be placed back in the same color.

If a clear color difference can be seen when you whiten your teeth, it is best to discuss with your dentist what you can do. That way, you won’t be faced with any surprises. In addition, you can keep track of the color of your teeth with our included shade guide. This way, you can ensure that no color difference is visible when you whiten your teeth with a crown, bridge or filling.

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About george.e.allen94

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