why do you want to join our company? It’s a typical interview question, but it might be difficult to respond to, especially if you wing it. It’s dangerous to skip practicing a thoughtful response to this question because it might determine whether or not a potential employer extends you a job offer.
Why is it so necessary to ask this interview question? Consider it from the perspective of the employer: The company wants to hire someone who firmly believes in the objective of the business and desires to have a positive impact on the organization and its clients or customers. Additionally, finding a candidate who is a good fit for the job and the organization can be an expensive and time-consuming process.
Avoid When You Answer “why do you want to join our company” | Examples
The position, the company, and, of course, you and how you wish to express yourself will all have an impact on how you should specifically answer the question, “why do you want to join our company?” Understanding what interviewers generally don’t want to hear is the first step in developing a relevant response to fit practically any situation. Several instances include:
- I just need a job, and this one looked fascinating, to be honest. Certainly, this is a straightforward response. However, it does not suggest a genuine interest in the position or the organization. Additionally, the recruiting manager could worry that you’ll quit the company quickly for a more enticing job elsewhere.
- I believe this is the first step toward greater accomplishments. An answer like this suggests you’re more concerned with the future than the present, even though no employer expects every employee to stay with the company for the long term. Additionally, it implies that even before being hired, you already have one foot out the door.
- I’ve heard this business has excellent compensation and perks. Any business wants to be known as a desirable place to work, and successful businesses understand that in order to attract top personnel, they must pay competitive salaries. However, they do not wish to hire anyone whose primary reason for working for the company is financial gain.
A better way to explain why you want the position
Flipping the question to read, “why do you want to join our company?” is one of the secrets to coming up with a strong response to “Why do you want to work here?” In other words, focus more on your qualifications and potential for influence than on how the position might benefit you. The following points should be kept in mind when you formulate your response:
- How can you make the business successful? Learn about the company’s and its industry’s developments. Has it recently modified the services or goods it offers? What kind of competition is it up against? Think about this environment and ask yourself, “What skills and experience do I have that would be especially beneficial to this employer at this time?”
- What previous professional achievements might you be able to duplicate at this company? How did you satisfy or go above and beyond the requirements of your past employers? What issues did you significantly contribute to resolving? What innovations did you make that enabled the business to save money or otherwise improve its financial position? What lessons have you learned that you may use going forward to benefit the prospective employer?
- How will you enhance the culture of the business? Many businesses place a high value on a candidate’s ability to fit into the company culture when making their hiring decisions. Therefore, research the company’s culture and decide what you like best about it. Include it in your response, for instance, if the company promotes entrepreneurial thinking and it matters to you.
launching your reaction with a seamless introduction
In a real interview setting, you should present your prepared response in a way that sounds polished but spontaneous when asked, “why do you want to join our company?” or “Why are you interested in this position?” When creating your customized response, take a cue from one of the following lead-ins:
Some job applicants hesitate to respond when asked “Why do you want to work here?” (or other difficult questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your greatest weaknesses?”) because they are afraid of saying the incorrect thing. However, if you plan ahead and take the time to prepare an answer before the interview, you’ll avoid feeling stumped and your chances of succeeding with a strong response will increase.
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