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Webinar Platform

Best Tactics to Make Your Webinars Look Great and Stand Apart From the Rest

Webinars are one of the most compelling ways to connect with the audience. Two years ago, when the world was getting used to the concept of online events, organizations across the world embraced webinars with open arms. It is because of the advantages that webinars offer to users and the ease it comes with them. 

However, owing to these advantages, webinars became extremely popular over time and, it is why almost all organizations switched to webinars. It is the reason webinars became extremely monotonous. Now that webinars have become more common than ever, as an organizer, you need to ensure that your webinars are different from others and they stand apart from the rest. 

To help you with that, we are sharing with you a list of the best tactics to make your webinars look great and different from the rest. 

  • Interact With Your Audience: 

While you plan your webinar, make sure that you boost interaction with your audience from Day 1. Keep it interactive, and use different online webinar platforms to ensure your audience knows about your upcoming webinar. Not only this, always make sure that they are showing enough interest in it. Always remember that you can never persuade your audience to sign up for the webinar if they are not interested in it. Promote your webinar as much as you can. You can write blogs around them, tweet about your webinar, create eye-catching posts for social media, and so much more. 

However, while writing the promotional content for the webinar, make sure you keep the interaction with your audience always on. Keep them engaged with your posts, and make them feel included in your webinar. 

  • Create an Eye-pleasing Event: 

As we told you earlier, planning and creating a webinar is one thing, and keeping the audience engaged is another. Also, when we talk about engaging an audience, know that it is easier said than done. Keeping the audience hooked to the platform for straight 30-45 minutes is not at all an easy task. Hence, the first thing that can ensure an engaged audience is a visually-pleasing interface. Therefore, while you select an online webinar platform, make sure it is visually appealing enough to keep hold of your audience’s attention. While the speakers are delivering their content, ensure they are using enough slides and other media to make their session more compelling and interesting. Also, in the slide show, encourage the speakers to add colorful texts, images, and other interesting elements. 

  • Create Your Own Hashtag and Filter: 

Another idea to boost audience engagement around your webinar is to create your own hashtag and filter. We all know that we live in a world that is highly influenced by the presence of social media. Hence, it is why it is important to keep up with the trends of social media. Therefore, create a hashtag around your webinar, and post on social media using the hashtag. Not only this, but to expand the reach of your webinar, you can also create AI filters around your webinars. In addition to this, a hashtag will also help you create a community around your webinar. The hashtag and the filter will make it easier for you to interact with your audience. Another subtle advantage of using the filter and hashtag is expanding the reach of your webinar and attracting more audience to your webinar. 

  • Choose Noteworthy Speakers: 

One of the most vital yet overlooked aspects of planning and creating any kind of event is choosing the right speakers for your webinar. Organizers ignore the importance of choosing a speaker who is not only an industry expert but also a great communicator. And as a result, most of the attendees end up snoozing during the session. If you don’t want this to happen with your webinar, choose a webinar speaker who knows how to communicate with the attendees. Also, while you ask them to speak at your webinar, make sure you tell them to prepare their content in such a way that compels the audience to listen to them. 

Having notable speakers and guests at your webinar is an excellent way to attract an audience to your webinar. In addition, it also maintains a consistent audience engagement and attendance rate throughout the session. 

  • Have a Webinar Host or Moderator: 

While you are planning your webinar, make sure you have at least one host or moderator for your webinar. Having a professional and assigned moderator will make things go in a flow, as well as add liveliness to the entire webinar. Not only this, a moderator or host will give your webinar a professional feel. However, there are a few factors that one needs to take care of while choosing a moderator for the webinar. For example, don’t end up choosing any random person; if it is a large-scale webinar, we suggest you go for a professional moderator. 

Select the one who knows how to communicate with the attendees during the webinar. Not only this, always go for a good communicator over a good speaker. 

  • Leverage Audience Engagement Tools: 

The next and probably one of the most common ideas to keep your audience engaged and make your webinars stand apart from the rest is to use audience engagement tools. Choose a virtual event hosting platform that offers you several audience engagement tools. These tools should include live chat, live polls, Q&A sessions, and other features. These tools won’t only ensure a smooth audience engagement rate throughout the session but also promote interactivity in the webinar. It is a great way to boost two-way communication between the attendees and hosts. These tools also make your webinar stand out from the rest of the crowd. 

As we said earlier, webinars have become extremely popular and monotonous these days. However, given the fact that they are extremely beneficial for businesses, it is not advisable to stop hosting webinars altogether. But, as an organizer, what you can do is include some strategies that would help you make webinars stand apart from the rest. The above-explained ideas are some of the best techniques that you can use to make your webinars different and deliver a unique experience to the attendees.  


About Kaylee Johnson

I am professional blogger. I am currently researching and writing more on Customizable virtual event platform as they have become the new trend in the events industry. I am finding out the most economical event hosting platforms available in the market.

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