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Families with low income and the attitude to education

Families with low income and the attitude to education

There is no second opinion about the fact that education acts as the best ticket of opportunity for students coming from families of low income. But having said that, it cannot be denied that students coming from low-income backgrounds face extreme difficulties to continue their education and pursuing their ambition. This post is all about how students coming from lower middle-class families face difficulties in the academic world and what is their attitude toward the education system

Low-income families:

Every country has a certain poverty level and when a particular family hits below that poverty level that it is counted among the low-income families. The concept of poverty is central in the comparative education field (Emily Hannum, 2017). Besides having to struggle for food and other basic necessities, low-income families have to struggle for education as well. They find it difficult to provide the tuition fee, let alone academic writing help. 

Besides having it difficult to get enrolled in an educational institute, students with lower middle-class backgrounds can’t buy writing assistance like dissertation help London services, or assignment writing help from professional writers. They don’t have learning materials like other students so definitely education comes difficult for them.

Obstacles in the education sector that students with low-income families face:

In this age of competition, students face many challenges in their academics which sometimes create barriers on their way to success (bestassignmentwriters, 2022). These challenges get multiplied by 10 for students coming from poor backgrounds. A family which is already financially struggling to meet the basic necessities of life will have even more difficulties in trying to pursue education for sure. Following are some of the most commonly faced problems that students with indigent backgrounds face in their academic lives;

  • High tuition fees:

All private educational institutes cost a huge sum on monthly basis. This is why students coming from poor backgrounds opts for such schools that do not cost as much as private schools or do not cost at all. However; the education standard of these educational institutes automatically falls below the private ones because of lesser exposure and lack of learning materials. 

  • Unable to take academic assistance:

Students of this decade are making full use of the opportunity to buy writing services from online platforms.  They buy thesis writing services, essay writing help, and dissertation assistance from professional writers to get better grades. At the same time, they get to invest more time in preparing for their exams. However; students coming from poor backgrounds do not have this luxury. 

  • Transportation charges:

It is not only the academic fee that acts as a hurdle for students with poor backgrounds but they also have the obstacle of transportation. Sometimes; the educational institutes are closer to the residency of the students which is the greatest blessing for such students but if the school is far away from their residency then they have to bear the transportation charges as well. 

  • Lack of learning materials:

The educational institutes for students with low-income backgrounds have lesser resources and materials that are required for an improved education system. In addition to that; these students can’t afford the learning materials for themselves as well so it acts as a setback for them. 

  • Less likely to enroll in universities:

It is comparatively easier to complete high school education for students coming from lower middle-class families than to enroll in a university. This is why most of the students who belong to low-income families are hardly graduates. It is because college and university cost much more than high school. 

The attitude of low-income families towards education:

Even though; it depends upon the thinking and perspective of each person who he values education in his life still, many students coming from lower-middle-class backgrounds have somewhat of a similar attitude towards education, which is as follows;

  • Work over education:

Students who struggle financially at home consider doing the job as a better opportunity for them and their families than having to pursue an education. They avail the very first job opportunity that comes down their way. So; in such case scenarios, they choose work over education. 

  • Undergraduate:

Mostly the students coming from low-income families do not pursue higher education or post-graduate; due to the following reasons;

  • Avail the first job opportunity that comes their way.
  • Don’t have the resources to continue the study.
  • Puts extra effort:

Even though; students coming from lower-income backgrounds lack resources for a better education system but their continuous effort and zeal to achieve their dreams make them stand out in their academic life. They put their sweat and soul to attain their ambition and most of the time, they succeed at it as well.

  • Brighter future:

Acquiring education not only makes the future of a student brighter and safer but also improves the living standard of his whole family. So; education plays an important role in eliminating poverty and keeping the economy of the country improved. As it is said;

“Money cannot eradicate poverty, education can.”

Steps to improve the quality of education for students coming from low-income families:

Following are some of the steps that will help students coming from a low-income background in their academic lives;

  • Free of low of cost education for students coming from low-income families.
  • Equal opportunities for students coming from every circle of life.,
  • Provision of the learning materials that will help the students in their academic performance.
  • Keeping the vacancy of scholarship programs for students coming from lower-middle-class families. 


Education plays an integral role in making society a prosperous one and each individual belonging to that society must contribute to it. However; poverty often restricts those low-income families from sending their children to school. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the students in acknowledging the efforts of the students coming from lower middle-class families. 

Every country has a certain poverty level and when a particular family hits below that poverty level that it is counted among the low-income families. The concept of poverty is central in the comparative education field (Emily Hannum, 2017). Besides having to struggle for food and other basic necessities, low-income families have to struggle for education as well. They find it difficult to provide the tuition fee, let alone academic writing help. 



bestassignmentwriters. (2022, April 15th). How Academic Help Providers Save the Students’ Future? https://bestassignmentwriter.co.uk/blog/how-academic-help-providers-save-the-students-future/ .

Emily Hannum, R. L.-U. (2017). Evolving approaches to the study of childhood poverty and education. Comparative Education , 53, 81-114.

About kevenjohn

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