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How can you boost your employees’ multitasking skills?

Your employees must handle a variety of duties concurrently when overseeing a project. Using their multitasking abilities to finish everything at once is a frequent solution. However, people will undoubtedly find it difficult because the human brain is not designed to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Read more about: corporate learning

It becomes exhausting and overwhelming, and individuals start to make mistakes. How can your workers get better at multitasking? Start by implementing the 10 suggestions listed below to improve those talents.

Why do people multitask?

The capacity to focus on several activities simultaneously and finish them all at once is known as multitasking. Actually, it comes down to strategy. With practice, juggling multiple things can get less complicated and frustrating. With each project your employees complete, their multitasking abilities will increase.

10 tips to boost your employees’ multitasking skills

1.     Understanding limitations

Workers need to be conscious of their limitations- particularly those they have little control over — to effectively manage task organization. 24 hours make up a day. Your money supply is limited, and your assets are precisely what they are. Beyond everything, when it concerns your staff members, they have their individuality to maintain. In other terms, encourage your staffers to create a realistic environment before selecting how to juggle.

The aforementioned can, obviously, be expanded using technology. Just be aware of how many tasks or projects your workforce can actually manage and finish during working hours. Consider it a project in development because it will continue to change as your employees complete more tasks.

First, workers must recognize how to separate important from urgent chores to increase their multitasking abilities. Among the secrets to effective multitasking is to have a perfect to-do list. The key to doing so is clearly understanding the distinctions between significant (long-term viability) and urgent (tight timelines) issues.

Consider using the Eisenhower Principle as an example. Accordingly, employees should order all chores according to priority:

  • Crucial and urgent
  • Crucial but not urgent
  • Urgent but unimportant
  • Not urgent or important

A to-do list’s tonality is determined by how important the task is, not by how urgent it is. However, individuals are not required to complete all chores in this order every time. Levels 3 and 4 are sometimes used as “pauses” between more essential topics.

2.     Increasing focus

The ability to focus is necessary for multitasking. Productive persons switch between tasks while maintaining complete attention to the work at hand. Here’re some ideas on how your employees can do it if it seems challenging to you:

Working on willpower will help your team avoid wasting time between tasks, especially if there are no impending deadlines. Even if it is necessary to sound an alarm on the phone, they should be aware of what they are doing.

Focus can be improved by meditation, as it is well established. Numerous apps may assist anyone with it, and one of the ways is to remain silent in a dim environment while focusing on breathing. This will prevent people from getting bored. Read more: Learning management system

Experts advise that practicing handwriting skills while working can boost focus. Some folks doodle while others write notes. Ask your workers to pick the one they prefer.

3.     Avoiding distractions

Individuals should be aware that they are already multitasking, even if they believe they cannot. Give a good setting where your employees work. There may probably be some sound, such as music in the background or ringing telephones, or people might be receiving frequent app alerts. While multitasking, individuals can keep working and cope with everything around them.

The difficulty is that excessive external stimuli, even from daily duties, might cause problems. However, not all diversions are harmful. For instance, some people work better with music, while others find energy in a crowded space.

Guide your employees to make a list of all external influences. Then, ask them to eliminate them one at a time, such as by switching their work location or disabling app notifications. If the output increases, it’s time to eradicate the offending factor from their working environment. However, if your employees’ thoughts are straying even further, advise them to return to regular activities after the “diversion.”

4.     Working in time blocks

You may have read that no one can perform more than one activity simultaneously, and those multitasking abilities are fiction. Even though this isn’t exactly accurate (it depends on what you consider a task to be), the ability to change allocations is the key here. And your team can accomplish it by categorizing their duties and completing them in discrete time blocks.

Take the Pomodoro Technique, for example. It recommends that you operate in blocks of 25 minutes, take a brief pause after every block, and then take a larger break after four blocks. But, if it requires you to pause at a crucial point, this could not be effective for you. The concept is practical since 30 minutes of concentration is simpler than just 60 minutes. Individuals only need to determine the ideal time frame for the project.

Professionals may not always need to change assignments. When they are related, one can concentrate on even more projects simultaneously. Consider these examples of multitasking abilities:

  • Is it possible to conduct all research at once?
  • Organize a gathering to address various themes.
  • Create a single PowerPoint to submit a loan request for many projects.

Not always will it be that easy. You’ll need to find alternative ways to organize your team’s work, such as having one person handle all assigned jobs or handling problems according to region, product category, etc. In any event, this strategy has the added benefit of giving employees the bigger picture to apply knowledge to different projects.

5.     Recognizing the power to control

The foundation of task organization is delegation. It enables anybody to delegate to themselves the jobs appropriate for one’s skills and experience and to oversee others, maximizing their time and improving performance. However, it comes with a drawback. Other staff will contact another employee and interrupt the latter’s work to ask queries or get consent.

To solve this, the said employee can return to their to-do list and allocate time for it if the pressure is affecting their employees’ productivity. Inform your colleagues of that particular worker’s availability schedule and the circumstances that qualify as emergencies.

6.     Thinking ahead

Planning the week should be done first thing on Monday mornings or as the final thing on Friday evenings. This mantra shall enable your employees’ multitasking skills to grow. Then staffers shall understand the following regarding the majority of their tasks:

  • Specific tasks come back periodically.
  • Some require greater focus than others.
  • Many are connected, such as the stages of achieving project milestones.

This insight will assist them in getting more organized by providing people with the knowledge they need to switch tasks. Once workers reach this point, think about asking them to create to-do checklists one, two, or three weeks in advance. Just be sure that they leave time to handle last-minute demands. Their days will be much easier to manage if they have monthly and yearly calendars prepared.

7.     Taking pauses

The minutes we set aside for rest are just as significant as the working hours. Taking pauses has been shown to help people reset their thinking process so they can return to work renewed. Walking around will benefit the body by reducing muscular tension and its adverse effects.

One’s personal preferences, the area of employment, and the current task will determine how much and how often individuals take breaks. The conventional advice is to take a 15-minute break every hour and never skip lunch. But it’s also crucial to plan the vacation time in advance, so it’s scheduled at regular intervals, especially if someone is working on creative projects.

8.     Maintaining the mind’s activities

Researchers concur that while much remains unknown about the human brain, we should endeavor to identify techniques to maintain mental acuity. Due to the numerous concurrent tasks involved in working, such as clicking keys, responding to orders, and reacting to automatic responses, this is among the most widely used strategies being studied.

Other recommendations include participating in sports, music, or poker tables if people prefer to stay offline. One can improve their multitasking abilities by simultaneously engaging in any activity requiring multiple tasks.

9.     Creating to-do lists

Making a to-do checklist is the best technique to quiet a busy mind overloaded with tasks. While it may not seem like it, we are organizing our thoughts and giving the most important tasks the highest priority.

10.  Using online resources

Consider utilizing an online application to implement the suggestions mentioned above easier for you. There are several apps you may use if all you require is a to-do list. Organizing your initiatives, communications, and associated activities in one location will require a more robust project management solution as a project leader. Read more: e learning management system

Considering the problems you have discovered, select the most acceptable product. You want capabilities that can address your most urgent matters, including communication, project risk evaluation, multitasking, and workflow, even if no task management solution is flawless.


If you comprehend what multitasking means, implementing it is also simple. Provided you don’t try to force your employees to do activities concurrently; you would be able to guide your workforce to manage multiple projects. Use internet tools and straightforward lists as resources.

About Lakshmipuleti

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