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HTML interview questions and responses
HTML interview questions and responses

HTML Interview Questions

HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. It was first launched in 1993 and is a widely used text formatting language for creating web pages. The interprets HTML Interview Questions, instructing the browser on what to display and how to display it.

If someone wants to work in the web development industry [web designers, web developers], they need to master HTML. Because HTML merely outlines the structure of the data displayed on the browser in a webpage, a web developer will need to utilise CSS and Javascript to make the webpage visually appealing and functional.

HTML5 is the most recent version of HTML. Attributes and Tags are the two primary foundations of the HTML language.

HTML interview questions and responses

Are HTML tags and elements the same?

No. An opening tag may or may not contain content, and a closing tag defines an HTML element. For example, <h1>Heading 1</h1> is a HTML element but just <h1> is a starting tag and </h1> closing tag.

What do HTML tags and attributes mean?

While attributes are combined with HTML tags to specify an element’s properties, tags are the fundamental component of HTML that determines how the material will be structured and presented. For example, <p align=” centre”>Interview questions</p>, in this, the ‘align’ is the attribute using which we will align the paragraph to show in the centre of the view.

In HTML, what are void elements?

HTML elements that lack closing tags or do not require closure are known as Void elements. For Example <br />, <img />, <hr />, etc.

What benefit does white space collapse provide?

Because the browser condenses multiple spaces into a single space character, HTML treats a blank sequence of whitespace characters as a single space character. This makes it easier for developers to indent lines of text without worrying about multiple spaces and keeps HTML codes readable and understandable.

How do HTML Entities work?

In HTML, some characters are reserved like ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘/’, etc. We must employ character entities known as HTML Entities to use these characters on our website. The reserved and appropriate entity characters are mapped in some cases below.

Character Entity Name Entity Number
< &lt; <
> &gt; >
& &amp; &
(non-breaking space) E.g. 10  PM &nbsp; Eg. <p>10&nbsp&nbspPM</p>

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What does the HTML “class” attribute mean?

An HTML element’s class name is specified using the class property. HTML allows for several items to have the same class value. Additionally, it is mainly used to link the styles in the CSS to the HTML components.

What distinguishes the ‘id’ and ‘class’ attributes of HTML elements from one another?

In contrast to the id attribute, which prevents one HTML element from being connected to another, several HTML elements can share the same class value.

What exactly is multipart form data?

One of the values of the type attribute is multipart form data. The file data is sent there to be processed on the server side. The enctype point also accepts the values text/plain and application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Describe the HTML layout structure.

Every web page includes unique elements to display its intended content and a particular UI. However, there are a few elements that are standard and acknowledged worldwide for web page structure, such as:

  • <header>: Stores the starting information about the web page.
  • <footer>: Represents the last section of the page.
  • <nav>: The navigation menu of the HTML page.
  • <article>: It is a set of information.
  • <section>: It is used inside the article block to define the basic structure of a page.
  • <aside>: Sidebar content of the page.

How can website asset loading be optimised?

We must optimise the asset loading on a website to reduce load times, and to do that:

  • CDN hosting – A CDN or content delivery network is geographically distributed servers to help reduce latency.
  • File compression – This is a method that helps to reduce the size of an asset to reduce the data transfer
  • File concatenation – This reduces the number of HTTP calls
  • Minify scripts – This reduces the overall file size of js and CSS files
  • Parallel downloads – Hosting assets in multiple subdomains can help to bypass the download limit of 6 assets per domain of all modern browsers. This can be configured, but most general users never modify these settings.
  • Lazy Loading – Instead of loading all the assets at once, the non-critical assets can be loaded on a need basis.

What are the different HTML formatting tags?

HTML has various formatting tags:

  • <b> – makes text bold
  • <i> – makes text italic
  • <em> – makes text italic but with added semantics importance
  • <big> – increases the font size of the text by one unit
  • <small> – decreases the font size of the text by one unit
  • <sub> – makes the text a subscript
  • <sup> – makes the text a superscript
  • <del> – displays as strikeout text
  • <strong> – marks the text as important
  • <mark> – highlights the text
  • <ins> – displays as added text

Which Doctypes are available in what varieties?

The three kinds of Doctypes which are available:

  • Strict Doctype
  • Transitional Doctype
  • Frameset Doctype

Could you please explain how to identify the HTML character set that a document is using?

The character set is defined in <meta> tag inside <head> element.

<meta charset=”UTF-8″>



Difference between <strong>, <b> tags and <em>, <i> tags

The effect on a normal webpage of the tags <strong>, <b>  and <em>, <i> is the same. <b> and <i> tags stands for bold and italic. These two tags only apply font styling, and bold tag <b> just adds more ink to the text; these tags don’t say anything about the text.

Whereas <strong> and <em> tags represent that the span of text is of strong importance or more importance and emphatic stress respectively than the rest of the text. These tags have semantic meaning.

Is layering of web pages possible, or can we display a web page inside another web page?

It is possible to display one HTML web page inside another. We can use the HTML tag <iframe> to provide this capability.

<iframe src=”url of the web page to embed” />

How are cell padding and cell spacing different?

The distance or void between two adjacent cells is known as cell spacing. Cell padding, on the other hand, refers to the distance between a cell’s text or other content and its edge or border.

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